Miscellaneous bird boxes and bee houses. Some of these reclaimed posts were nearly 20 years old, so when dried they really slurped up the paint. At least two coats of gloss paint were required in some places. The flower motifs are all gloss paint as well, except for the yellow which was solvent-based enamel. For attaching to a wall, a hole is drilled slanting upwards at the back; this allows the unit to slide neatly and cleanly onto a medium ( say 60mm ) nail banged in at 45 degrees in a fence, meaning no bracket is necessary.
Recent bird boxes. Again, old, reclaimed wood that needs sometimes 3 coats of gloss to seal it properly and get a good shine. They are not quite finished yet, will update the pic when done.
Not many things escape being painted around here. Why not use waste paint to snazz up a log stack?

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